
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Throughout this past week, our squad has been in training. We would sit through morning sessions and in the afternoon would participate in activation where we would take what we learned and apply it to real life. Our training was about fully realizing the power of the Holy Spirit, how He moves in and through us, and taking it to glorify God. Something that the Lord is revealing to me daily is how much power there is in prayer. 

Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us. Prayer changes us. Praying can look different for everyone and every situation. One of my favorite ways to talk with God is through journaling. Prayer is nutrition for the Spirit and God has given us authority in our voices. The power we experience in prayer is a strong connection with the heart of the Father and the love He has for all people. Power also comes from having a clear connection with the Holy Spirit. Be quick to obedience. 

On Friday evening, we went out for activation to share the Gospel with the people of Antigua. This time was very special and God gave me the confidence I needed in my Spanish speaking (which has a lot of room for improvement). I was able to sit and share with people how much God loves them no matter what they have experienced in life. I sat with a young man, Pablo*, who has had a more difficult life. He shared with me that one of his family members went through cancer and that he no longer lives with his family. Pablo is on his own. I talked with him a bit longer, hoping what I was saying made sense. I told Pablo that God loves him and that He is present with him; then Pablo allowed me to pray over him and his life. Even in the small moments, the Holy Spirit is moving, and we are asked to pray for big and small. It was so sweet to sit and share the goodness of God. Prayer deepens my faith and hope in Christ because I know each person I encounter is in the hands of the Lord. 

*All names have been changed.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

We split up in the central park of Antigua and got to share the Gospel with many people… plenty of good conversations!


Our time spent in the park was really sweet! The Holy Spirit is moving in Antigua and in the hearts of the people who are here. Scottie and Lindsey were showing the love of God to this gentleman.


Antoinette and Lynneal started to pray over this lady who primarily asked for them not to touch her, but by the end, the lady asked for them to pray over her head. May God bless her and fill her heart with compassion.



Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Alli, one of my squadmates, met this lady and started praying for her. Alli invited us around to pray together, it was so stinkin’ powerful!


 Sharing smiles and warm hearts display the love of God! This is the World Race. 

Praise the Lord for placing people in our path to pray over and share the love of Christ. Please join me in prayer over the people we have met. May we continue to reach those around us and express the joy God provides. We only have a few days left in Guatemala and I ask that we come together in prayer over the country as a whole. Guatemala definitely has a place in my heart. Thank you for your constant love and support.

with all my love,


8 responses to “Park Bench Prayers”

  1. Paula emocionado viendo con Dios usa sus vidas para muchos!! Si! La oración nos cambia y hace que veamos las cosas desde la perspectiva de Dios! Te amamos con nuestra familia. Orando fuerte por ti!!

  2. Praising GOD for answer prayers and for each of your team members ! Will also pray for all the people yall prayed over today. Love In Christ , Beth Gray

  3. Prayer is such a powerful tool, and it is such a wonderful way to spread the love of Christ! I will be praying for all of you as you wrap up your time in Guatemala! Love you!!

  4. Thank you for making a difference and for sharing God’s Word. Continued prayers for each of you.

  5. So so good Paula.
    Walking in the spirit of prayer before, during, and after, is my biggest take away after reading this. A lifestyle of talking and listening for what the Holy Spirit is saying and wanting to do. You make me want more of this in my own life. Thanks for the share

  6. I love these blog posts. They always motivate me to put myself in a position to help more people, come closer with God, and really puts life, as a whole, in perspective. God Bless you and your squad Paula Johnson and thank you for your contributions.

  7. Awesome blog. I am so proud you are answering the call to share the love of Jesus. Thank you for sharing the pictures too. You and your team remain in our prayers. Praying for the impact you guys made in Guatemala and praying the Lord goes before you in preparation for your mission in Costa Rica. Love you.