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Through the airport we wandered, very much like a stampede of elephants. I want to ask you to imagine 30 people with giant packs walking around the airport looking for a place to sleep. Yes, this was just as funny as it seems now. Large backpacks, huge smiles, and restless minds: this is what it felt like to be in the Atlanta airport. As a squad, some slept and some stayed wide awake. You could find me as the one wide awake searching the cold empty halls of the Hartsfield-Jackson airport at 3am. I believe I got a total of two hours of sleep from jumping into the van in Gainesville, GA to landing in Guatemala. Was I tired? A little but God sustained me. I expected to be dragging my feet at the end of our arrival day in Guatemala, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how the Lord helped me persevere. 

Casa de Fuego: our home for the first two nights in Guatemala. This is where orientation was held. Orientation was filled with information about Guatemalan culture, our ministries, and sweet worship time. As our last destination together as a squad for the next six weeks, this time was very intentional and simply enjoyable. Laughter echoed throughout the house. Casa de Fuego is a beautiful place with even better views. Surrounding the home are mountains, farms, and even an active volcano! The house is named after the volcano, Fuego. The time spent at Casa de Fuego was such a pleasure and the people who filled the rooms created a blissful atmosphere. By the end of our time at Casa de Fuego, my heart was full and ready to hit the mission field. 

Long nights in the airport call for pack piling and rolling out sleeping bags.


Best way to unload 30 backpacks? Toss them down a line of people. 


 Efficiency at its finest; this squad is so stinkin’ awesome!


Check out this view! After unloading our packs, we explored our home for the next two nights. I don’t think I could ever get tired of waking up to this. 


Fun Fact: There are a total of 37 volcanoes in Guatemala and Fuego is one of three that are currently active. 


Enjoying Gods creation and watching the sunset behind the volcano on the roof of Casa de Fuego.


Sweet worship time with AIM’s Guatemala staff and a fellow squad in the courtyard.


Having the opportunity to participate in corporate worship during this time has been something my heart has grown very fond of, gentle time with the Lord.


Two different squads but the same love for God. This is one of my favorite pictures from orientation, it is so kind and intentional. 


I ask you to join me in prayer over AIM’s Guatemala staff and other squads that have been sent out. As well as, lifting up those who have not made it to the field yet. We have four people from our squad that are currently in the United States and we are patiently awaiting their arrival. Please pray for Ari, Brandon, Alli, and Elizabeth. Also, I am still fundraising so if you feel generous a few dollars are always more than appreciated. Thank you for joining me on this journey!


with all my love,


6 responses to “Stepping into Fuego”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing you thoughts and pictures!! Sounds like your life is certainly not full! Take care and God bless you all!’

  2. Beautiful picture of the first few days Paula. So incredibley proud of you and the squad. Can’t wait to hear about the ministry of Mosaics. oxox

  3. I can see and feel the excitement of what GOD is going to do with you all. Praying for you to share the gospel and I know others will see Jesus in you! Love , Cousin Beth